Senegal : a primary study on Salafist digital strategies

In this Lettre de l’Observatoire des Radicalismes, the Timbuktu Institute seeks to “document a theme largely debated beyond suppositions and hypotheses, specifically on Salafism’s force and real impact amongst young people.”

“The analysis of online messaging from this sect’s principal predicators has been particularly instructive regarding the dangers or lack thereof surrounding these discourses which, contrary to popular belief, are as varied as they are contradictory,” emphasized Bakary Sambe.

Considering the prevalence of internet and social media use by extremist groups to recruit members, the Timbuktu Institute seeks to add to the debate surrounding online recruitment with this case study, based on months of following Salafist Youtube personalities.

The study is particularly interested in Salafist digital strategies in regards to messaging content, chosen targets, and opposition to Sufi brotherhoods as part of wider recruitment tactics.

The director of the Institute specified “the methodology adopted for the study necessitated analysis by researchers who are not familiar with Senegalese Salafist discourse, in order to avoid any and all forms of bias. The study was performed by our American research assistant Stephanie L. Schmitt, allowing for a new perspective from a curious and driven member of the team. A French version of the article will soon be available.”

The report Salafist Online Messaging and Digital Strategies in Senegal can be read via the attached link, or under the ‘Publications’ section of our website.

Download the report by clicking on the following link Salafist Online Messaging and Digital strategies in Senegal